Do you feel grumpy in the mornings because your sleep has been disturbed by your other half?
Snoring, bottom burps, talking in their sleep, surges of heat, coming to bed later than us or waking us up earlier than needed can all impact our sleep quality. Maybe you're the snorer and feel compelled to splash out on a single room when you go away with friends? Snoring is exacerbated by mouth breathing but you can change this habit by keeping your mouth closed during the day (unless you're eating or talking), or placing a pillow behind you to prevent rolling onto your back in the night. Surges of heat during the night can be eased by a few minutes of daily mindfulness or meditation to lower stress - notice how these night sweats seem to vanish when you're on holiday.
Self Massage, Acupressure, Essential Oils & Herbal Teas
Do your shoulders tense up when you're stressed? This can decrease the oxygen flow through your neck to your head, leading to headaches or a sensation of rising heat. I suggest squeezing the tops of your shoulders (trapezius muscles) and the back of your neck, followed by some shoulder and neck rolls. Then find the ridge at the base of your skull, feel for knobbly points with your thumbs and sink the weight of your head into them. These ligaments can get very tight indeed!
Acupressure is also effective. Try these points:
Tap the space between the eyebrows, "Yin Tang"
Circle the centre of your palm with your thumb, "Heart 1"
"Kidney 1 "Bubbling Spring" is just below the ball of your foot. Press here to recharge your energy reserves.
You can apply these essential oils to specific areas, use them in a diffuser, or add them to your bath:
Frankincense or Clary Sage to reduce mental chatter
Bergamot is calming, refreshing, and is said to enhance mood and wakefulness in the morning
Neroli or Ylang Ylang essential oil can uplift our spirits when we’re feeling down and soothe us when we’re feeling stressed or agitated.
Or enjoy these calming herbal teas after your evening meal: lavender, chamomile, or mint and liquorice. They're also great for digestion.
Prepare for Sleep with Ocean Breath, Calming Heart Qigong & Yoga Nidra
This is a wonderful trio of sleep solutions. Let's start with ocean breath - gentle inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth with a haaaaaaa sound. Then take your palms to the centre of your chest and alternately smooth your hands down to the belly. Oh so nurturing :)
Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation which takes the attention on a journey of awareness through the body, starting with the right toes, feet, lower leg, upper leg, shoulders, arms, hands and fingers, then across to the left side, hands to toes, then up the spine to the head.
Here's a recording for you to try - get nice and comfy first, with plenty of cushions and blankets.
You can try this an alternative to an afternoon nap or in the middle of the night if you wake up to get you back off to sleep.
Get it Down on Paper
Freestyle journaling is a style that is really helpful in reducing stress. Simply empty your thoughts onto the paper and see what comes out. Then it's less likely to wake you up at night. You may prefer a few prompts to help you resolve a situation, which in turn helps you to get to sleep.
What's really bothering me is:
What I want to say but can't is:
The thing I'm most afraid of is:
About this situation, what can I change? What can't I change?
If my wisest self were in charge, s/he would:
My Top 3 Yoga Poses for Better Sleep
A general stretch of all the big muscle groups can be beneficial to relieve muscle tension and initiate relaxation; if you suffer from restless legs, a good quality magnesium supplement can really take the edge off
Childs pose to comfort and calm the soul, and draw inwards away from external demands
Supported Bridge Pose with a brick under the sacrum to open up the diaphragm, regulate digestion and stimulate the relaxation response
Restorative Butterfly Pose - sit in front of a pillow or bolster, then lay back onto it, arms by your sides with palms up, knees bent and open to the sides, and soles of the feet together. A nice addition is an eye pillow over your eyes on across the eyebrows
If you're struggling with your sleep, why don't you solve it once and for all? Nicky delivers a Bespoke Sleep Programme, packed with educational insights, practical experience and lifestyle tweaks. Take the first step and book a free 30 minute Mini Health Review today.